Thursday, March 18, 2010

26 weeks and just 99 days left

On Friday I will be 26 weeks pregnant. Today I have 99 days left until my due date! That is so exciting! I have FINALLY made it down to the double digits. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It doesn't seem so far away. I can't wait until 2 weeks from now when I am 28 weeks and also in the third trimester.

We still have to paint the nursery and get some of the bigger furniture items. My mother offered to buy the crib and I plan on buying the matching changing table. Other then that we are mostly ready. Once we get those few big things out of the way it is just a matter of gathering all the little dohickies you need a long the way. Hopefully we will get those things covered at the baby shower.

Currently my next step is the glucose testing. I will do that in 2 weeks at my next OB appointment. I would say I have to get up bright and early but I am already up that early on the weekdays anyway. I have to make sure Bryan actually gets up on time and out the door to meet the school bus. He is generally pretty good at it. I only have to wake him up once in a great long while. Some days I wonder why I am still getting up with him. He is getting so old. But then the day rolls around that he forgets to set his alarm and I am glad I still get up with him. Plus it is nice to see my boys off to school and work every day. So I will be up that morning anyway. I have to remember not to eat anything before I go and to bring a snack with me. The nurse said I can eat something after the test and before my OB appointment. So I will have to find a quick and easy snack to stuff in my purse for that day. Fingers crossed that everything goes well and I pass my glucose test with flying colors. I have been keeping track on my own at home once a week. So far my blood sugar levels have been very good. Let's hope they stay that way after all that sugary drink I have to guzzle down.

Wyatt is strong and active. I am pretty sure he is head down now. I feel most of the kicking up towards the top of my belly and around my belly button. I am no longer feeling kicks in my bladder or cervix. I still feel pressure to my bladder. But I am assuming it is now his head putting pressure there. It is a longer more constant pressure that comes and goes instead of the quick and sharp jabs I was having before. When I use my doppler I can hear his heartbeat down pretty low. It is below my belly button and off to the right side now. Instead of being up above and around my belly button. So hopefully he is in fact head down and stays head down until birth.

I am doing pretty well. It is getting hard to move around. The act of getting off the couch these days is ridiculous. I am having trouble bending at the waist. UGH! Good thing I bought new shoes that do not require me to bend over to tie them. LOL Cause I might just be walking around with untied shoes all day.

Braxton Hicks contractions suck. Some days I don't have any at all. Most of the time it is only on the nights I work. They do not hurt but they are uncomfortable. I know they are normal but they always put me on edge. I am looking forward to being closer to my due date so I can relax a little bit about them.

My stomach muscles are killing me these days. All of the pulling and stretching that my ever growing belly does to the muscles and ligaments are taking it's toll. My belly aches after a long day. I find it hard to just sit down and put my feet up while the nesting urge is strong. I just want to get things done. But my belly says otherwise and I have to sit and rest and rub out the kinks. I am trying not to be one of those weird pregnant ladies that rubs her belly all the time. BUT it does help a lot when things are sore.

I am starting to sleep better at night. The last two nights I have slept great. I probably just jinxed myself by saying that. Let's hope it continues. It probably won't. My belly will get bigger and bigger and BIGGER over the next 3 months and so will my discomfort. But in the mean time I am going to enjoy the deep sleep I have been getting the last couple nights. If all else fails my doctor has OK ed the use of Unisom for sleep and relief from restless leg syndrome. Who knew that Unisom would be my best friend this pregnancy. It got me through the worst nights of morning sickness and the most annoying nights of RLS.

Just 2 more weeks left of the second trimester. I am excited to be heading into the home stretch. I am curious to see how large my belly will get. And most of all I can not wait to meet our son! Grow Wyatt GROW!!!

26 weeks pregnant

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