Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June Update and Great News

It is June and the day before Wyatt's second birthday. For your birthday Wyatt you get .... to be a big brother!


I got my first BFP on May 30th. It was super super faint so I tested with a digital test and got a PREGNANT result! I went on Friday for a blood test. My beta was 31. The nurse called and said that was low and they wanted me to go in on Monday and do another beta. So I went in super early Monday morning and still had to wait in line forever just to get checked in. The nurse never did call me back but thankfully I can check my lab results and see the nurse's notes online. My second beta was 102! It more then tripled! That is fantastic news as they just wanted to see it double in that time frame. I also had my thyroid checked again and it was at 2.2. She wanted it 2.5 or lower so the medicine is working well! Obviously since I got pregnant on my own.

I of course have been worried the last week. Between our former loss and the nurse scaring me about my number I was a wreck. I did some checking online and asked a bunch of people from different boards. Apparently my number was actually very normal for where I was in my cycle. I tried to tell the nurse that but she didn't seem to be listening to me. So I took many many many tests over the last week. Yes I know I am crazy. But when you are TTC for a long time and especially with infertility you tend to stock up on pregnancy tests so you can test as you like with out having to constantly run out to the store just to get your period an hour later. You find a good deal and you stock up! So here are a few pictures of my progression from 10 dpo when I got my first faint positive test to 15 dpo when I stopped testing.




Baby #3 is due February 10, 2013. This will be my first non summer baby. So much for hand me downs!

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